Tatsugiri Stats

Tatsugiri Stats

In the vibrant world of Pokémon, understanding the stats of your favorite creatures is crucial for maximizing their potential in battles. Tatsugiri, a unique Water/Dragon-type Pokémon, has garnered attention for its intriguing design and battle capabilities. This article provides an in-depth analysis of Tatsugiri’s stats, exploring its strengths, weaknesses, and strategic applications. Whether you’re a seasoned trainer or a newcomer, this guide will help you harness Tatsugiri’s full potential.

Overview of Tatsugiri

Origins and Typing

Tatsugiri is a Water/Dragon-type Pokémon introduced in [specific game version]. Its dual typing offers a blend of offensive and defensive capabilities, making it a versatile addition to any team. Tatsugiri’s design draws inspiration from mythical sea serpents, featuring sleek scales and a serpentine body that exudes both grace and power.

Key Attributes

  • High Special Attack: Tatsugiri excels in Special Attack, making it a potent special sweeper capable of dealing significant damage with moves like Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse.
  • Balanced Speed: With a base Speed of 105, Tatsugiri can outspeed many opponents, giving it an edge in delivering the first strike.
  • Solid Defense and HP: Tatsugiri’s balanced Defense and HP stats provide it with decent survivability, allowing it to withstand hits and remain in the battle longer.

Detailed Stat Analysis

HP (Hit Points)

Tatsugiri’s base HP of 85 is solid, providing a good foundation for its overall durability. While not the highest among Pokémon, it is sufficient to withstand several hits, especially when combined with its decent Defense and Special Defense stats.


With a base Attack of 90, Tatsugiri can deliver physical attacks effectively. However, given its higher Special Attack, it is generally more advantageous to focus on special moves for maximum damage output.


Tatsugiri’s base Defense of 85 ensures it can take physical hits reasonably well. This, coupled with its HP, makes it resilient against physical attackers, though it should still be wary of powerful physical moves.

Special Attack

Tatsugiri’s standout stat is its Special Attack, which sits at an impressive base value of 110. This high Special Attack allows Tatsugiri to unleash devastating moves like Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse, making it a fearsome opponent in battles.

Special Defense

With a base Special Defense of 80, Tatsugiri can withstand special attacks to a fair extent. While not its strongest attribute, it complements its overall durability and helps it survive against special attackers.


Tatsugiri’s base Speed of 105 is one of its most valuable assets. This high Speed allows Tatsugiri to outspeed many opponents, giving it the opportunity to strike first and potentially knock out foes before they can retaliate.

Optimal Moveset and Strategies

Offensive Moveset

To capitalize on Tatsugiri’s high Special Attack, consider the following offensive moveset:

  • Hydro Pump: A powerful Water-type move that deals massive damage. Its high power makes it a staple in Tatsugiri’s moveset.
  • Dragon Pulse: A reliable Dragon-type move that benefits from Tatsugiri’s Special Attack. It provides coverage against Dragon-type opponents.
  • Ice Beam: Offers coverage against Grass, Flying, and Dragon-types, making Tatsugiri more versatile in battles.
  • Surf: A more accurate alternative to Hydro Pump, providing consistent damage output.

Defensive/Support Moveset

For a more balanced or support-oriented role, consider the following moveset:

  • Scald: A Water-type move that has a chance to burn the opponent, reducing their physical attack power and providing residual damage.
  • Toxic: Inflicts the opponent with poison, causing them to take increasing damage each turn.
  • Protect: Allows Tatsugiri to avoid attacks for a turn, useful for stalling and scouting the opponent’s moves.
  • Rain Dance: Enhances Water-type moves and activates abilities like Hydration, providing strategic advantages in battle.

EV (Effort Value) Distribution

To maximize Tatsugiri’s potential, focus on EV distribution that enhances its key strengths:

  • Special Attack and Speed: Investing in Special Attack and Speed EVs allows Tatsugiri to hit hard and fast, making it a potent offensive threat.
  • HP and Defense: For a more balanced build, consider investing in HP and Defense EVs to increase Tatsugiri’s durability and survivability in battles.

Battle Strategies

Offensive Strategy

Using Tatsugiri as an offensive powerhouse involves leveraging its high Special Attack and Speed to take down opponents quickly. Focus on using moves like Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse to deal maximum damage. Pair Tatsugiri with Pokémon that can set up entry hazards or provide support to enhance its offensive capabilities.

Defensive/Support Strategy

For a more balanced approach, use Tatsugiri’s access to moves like Scald and Toxic to wear down opponents over time. Utilize Protect to stall and scout, while Rain Dance can boost Water-type moves and activate beneficial abilities. Pair Tatsugiri with bulky teammates that can absorb hits and provide further support.

Competitive Play


Tatsugiri’s high Special Attack and Speed make it a formidable opponent in competitive play. Its ability to deal significant damage quickly and outspeed many threats provides it with a crucial edge in battles. Additionally, its balanced stats allow for flexibility in team roles, whether as an offensive sweeper or a support Pokémon.


Despite its strengths, Tatsugiri has notable weaknesses that trainers must consider. Its Water/Dragon typing makes it vulnerable to Fairy and Dragon-type moves, which are common in competitive play. Additionally, its reliance on Special Attack means it can struggle against specially defensive opponents.

Team Synergy

To maximize Tatsugiri’s effectiveness, consider pairing it with Pokémon that can cover its weaknesses and provide complementary support. For example, Steel-type Pokémon can handle Fairy-type threats, while Electric-type Pokémon can help deal with opposing Water-types. Entry hazard setters and status inducers can also enhance Tatsugiri’s offensive capabilities.


Tatsugiri’s stats and abilities make it a unique and powerful Pokémon in both casual and competitive play. By understanding its strengths and weaknesses, trainers can develop strategies to maximize its potential and achieve victory in battles. Whether used as an offensive powerhouse or a supportive teammate, Tatsugiri’s versatility and impressive stats ensure it remains a valuable asset in any trainer’s arsenal.

As the Pokémon world continues to evolve, Tatsugiri’s role and potential may expand further, offering new opportunities for trainers to explore and master this captivating creature. Embrace the power of Tatsugiri and unlock its full potential in your Pokémon journey.

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