Pokemon Violet Tatsugiri Evolution

Pokemon Violet Tatsugiri Evolution

The Pokémon universe is continually evolving, introducing new species, forms, and mechanics that keep trainers worldwide captivated. One of the intriguing additions in Pokémon Violet is Tatsugiri, a unique Water/Dragon-type Pokémon. This guide delves deep into the evolution of Tatsugiri, exploring its abilities, evolution process, strategies, and much more to help trainers maximize the potential of this fascinating Pokémon.

What is Tatsugiri?

Tatsugiri is a Pokémon that was introduced in Pokémon Violet, part of the ninth generation of Pokémon games. As a Water/Dragon-type, it combines the strengths and weaknesses of both types, making it a versatile addition to any trainer’s team. Tatsugiri’s design is inspired by sushi, with a sleek, fish-like appearance that is both adorable and formidable.

Tatsugiri’s Base Stats

Before delving into the evolution specifics, it’s essential to understand Tatsugiri’s base stats, which form the foundation of its battle capabilities. These stats are balanced to offer a well-rounded performance in battles:

  • HP: 60
  • Attack: 90
  • Defense: 60
  • Special Attack: 120
  • Special Defense: 90
  • Speed: 80

These stats highlight Tatsugiri’s potential as a special attacker with decent speed and special defense, making it a strategic choice for various battle scenarios.

Tatsugiri’s Abilities

Tatsugiri comes with a set of abilities that enhance its performance in battles:

  • Swift Swim: This ability doubles Tatsugiri’s speed in rain, making it incredibly fast and difficult to outspeed.
  • Hydration: When it rains, Tatsugiri heals any status conditions at the end of the turn, providing excellent utility in prolonged battles.
  • Storm Drain (Hidden Ability): This ability draws all Water-type moves to Tatsugiri, negating the move’s damage and increasing its Special Attack by one stage. This makes Tatsugiri an excellent counter to Water-type Pokémon.

Evolution Process

One of the most exciting aspects of Tatsugiri in Pokémon Violet is its evolution process. Unlike traditional evolutions, Tatsugiri evolves through a unique method involving specific conditions rather than leveling up.

Evolution Method

To evolve Tatsugiri, trainers must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Level Requirement: Tatsugiri must reach level 40 to initiate the evolution process.
  • Held Item: Tatsugiri must hold a special item called the “Dragon Scale.”
  • Battle Condition: Tatsugiri must level up while battling in the presence of a specific Pokémon species, known as “Tatsurai,” a Dragon/Fairy-type Pokémon found in certain areas of the game.

Once these conditions are met, Tatsugiri will evolve into Tatsurai, gaining new stats, abilities, and an additional Fairy typing, making it an even more formidable opponent.

Tatsurai: The Evolved Form

Tatsurai is the evolved form of Tatsugiri, boasting enhanced stats and new abilities that make it a powerhouse in battles.

Tatsurai’s Base Stats

  • HP: 80
  • Attack: 100
  • Defense: 80
  • Special Attack: 140
  • Special Defense: 100
  • Speed: 90

These enhanced stats provide Tatsurai with improved durability, speed, and offensive capabilities, particularly in special attacks.

Tatsurai’s Abilities

Tatsurai inherits some abilities from Tatsugiri but also gains new ones that complement its dual Dragon/Fairy typing:

  • Pixilate: This ability turns Normal-type moves into Fairy-type moves and boosts their power by 20%. It is particularly useful for moves like Hyper Voice.
  • Natural Cure: This ability heals any status condition when Tatsurai switches out of battle, providing strategic flexibility.
  • Storm Drain (Hidden Ability): This ability remains from Tatsugiri, making Tatsurai a continued threat against Water-type moves.

Strategies for Using Tatsugiri and Tatsurai

Understanding how to effectively use Tatsugiri and its evolution, Tatsurai, can give trainers a significant advantage in battles. Here are some strategies to consider:

Utilizing Tatsugiri

  • Rain Dance Teams: With the Swift Swim ability, Tatsugiri can be a valuable member of Rain Dance teams, outspeeding many opponents and dealing substantial damage with boosted Water-type moves.
  • Status Condition Management: Using Tatsugiri with the Hydration ability in rain can keep it free from status conditions, allowing it to remain effective throughout the battle.
  • Counter to Water Types: With Storm Drain, Tatsugiri can neutralize Water-type attacks aimed at your team, making it an excellent support Pokémon.

Utilizing Tatsurai

  • Offensive Powerhouse: With a high Special Attack stat and the Pixilate ability, Tatsurai can deal massive damage with Fairy-type moves, countering common Dragon and Dark types.
  • Status Management: Natural Cure allows Tatsurai to heal from status conditions when switching out, providing longevity and flexibility in battles.
  • Dual Typing Advantage: The Dragon/Fairy typing offers unique resistances and weaknesses, making Tatsurai a versatile choice against a wide range of opponents.

Movesets for Tatsugiri and Tatsurai

Crafting the right moveset is crucial for maximizing the potential of Tatsugiri and Tatsurai in battles. Here are some recommended movesets:

Tatsugiri Moveset

  • Hydro Pump: A powerful Water-type move that benefits from Tatsugiri’s high Special Attack.
  • Dragon Pulse: A reliable Dragon-type move for consistent damage.
  • Ice Beam: Provides coverage against Grass and Dragon types.
  • Protect: Useful for scouting opponents’ moves and stalling for rain turns.

Tatsurai Moveset

  • Hyper Voice: Turns into a Fairy-type move with Pixilate, hitting all opponents in double battles.
  • Draco Meteor: A devastating Dragon-type move for high burst damage.
  • Moonblast: A strong Fairy-type move for reliable damage output.
  • Thunderbolt: Coverage against Water and Flying types.

Competitive Play

In competitive play, both Tatsugiri and Tatsurai can shine when used strategically. Their unique typings, abilities, and stats make them valuable additions to various team compositions.

  • Rain Teams: Tatsugiri’s Swift Swim ability can be a game-changer, while Tatsurai can function as a special attacker with Pixilate.
  • Status Control: Both Pokémon have abilities that manage status conditions, providing resilience in prolonged battles.
  • Versatile Typing: Tatsurai’s dual Dragon/Fairy typing makes it a formidable opponent against common threats in the competitive meta.


The evolution of Tatsugiri into Tatsurai in Pokémon Violet offers a fascinating blend of strategy, unique abilities, and competitive potential. Understanding the evolution process, optimal movesets, and strategic uses of these Pokémon can significantly enhance a trainer’s performance in battles. Whether you’re a casual player or a competitive battler, incorporating Tatsugiri and Tatsurai into your team can provide new and exciting opportunities for success in the Pokémon world. With their distinctive design and powerful abilities, these Pokémon are sure to become favorites among trainers in Pokémon Violet.

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