Pokemon Scarlet Tatsugiri Evolution

Pokemon Scarlet Tatsugiri Evolution

In the world of Pokémon, evolution is a fundamental aspect of gameplay that can dramatically alter a Pokémon’s abilities and role in battles. In Pokémon Scarlet, the evolution of Tatsugiri into Dondozo offers a unique twist on traditional evolution methods. This comprehensive guide explores everything you need to know about Tatsugiri’s evolution, from the requirements and steps to effective strategies and team-building tips.

What is Tatsugiri?

Tatsugiri is a Dragon/Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IX, featured in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games. Known for its vibrant appearance and strategic battle capabilities, Tatsugiri has become a favorite among trainers.

Tatsugiri’s Key Attributes

  • Type: Dragon/Water
  • Species: Fish Pokémon
  • Height: 0.3 m (1’00”)
  • Weight: 1.2 kg (2.6 lbs)
  • Abilities:
    • Storm Drain: Draws in Water-type moves to boost its Special Attack.
    • Adaptability (Hidden Ability): Increases the effectiveness of STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves.

Tatsugiri’s Design and Role

Tatsugiri resembles a small, dragon-like fish. It is known for its unique role in battles, combining Dragon and Water-type moves for a versatile offensive strategy.

How Does Tatsugiri Evolve?

Unlike many Pokémon, Tatsugiri’s evolution into Dondozo is not achieved through leveling up or using an Evolutionary Stone. Instead, it evolves through a specific set of conditions during a battle.

Evolution Mechanism

To evolve Tatsugiri into Dondozo, you must engage in a Double Battle scenario with the following requirements:

  1. Double Battle Setup: Tatsugiri must be in a Double Battle alongside Dondozo.
  2. Dondozo’s Move: Dondozo must use the move Order Up during the battle.
  3. Tatsugiri’s Ability: Tatsugiri must have the ability Commander for the evolution to occur.

When these conditions are met, Tatsugiri will evolve into Dondozo during the battle.

Detailed Evolution Process

Condition Requirement
Battle Type Double Battle
Partner Pokémon Dondozo
Dondozo’s Move Order Up
Tatsugiri’s Ability Commander

Step-by-Step Guide to Evolving Tatsugiri

Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to evolve Tatsugiri into Dondozo:

Prepare Tatsugiri and Dondozo

  • Catch or Obtain Tatsugiri and Dondozo: Make sure you have both Tatsugiri and Dondozo in your party. Tatsugiri can be found in the aquatic regions of Paldea, while Dondozo can be caught in the same habitats.
  • Level Up Dondozo: Ensure that Dondozo is at a high enough level to know the move Order Up. You can level up Dondozo through battles or by using experience-enhancing items.
  • Teach Order Up to Dondozo: Dondozo must have the move Order Up in its move set. You can teach this move through leveling up or by using a TM.

Ensure Tatsugiri Has the Commander Ability

  • Check Tatsugiri’s Ability: Make sure Tatsugiri has the Commander ability. You may need to check Tatsugiri’s stats or use ability-changing items if necessary.

Set Up a Double Battle

  • Find a Suitable Opponent: Engage in a Double Battle against a trainer or wild Pokémon. Ensure that Tatsugiri and Dondozo are both in your party for the battle.
  • Trigger Evolution: During the Double Battle, have Dondozo use the move Order Up. Tatsugiri will evolve into Dondozo as a result of this action.

Optimize Your Battle Strategy

  • Strategic Use of Order Up: Make sure that Dondozo uses Order Up during the battle. This move is crucial for triggering Tatsugiri’s evolution.

Why Tatsugiri’s Evolution is Unique

Tatsugiri’s evolution mechanism offers a departure from traditional Pokémon evolution methods. Here’s why this evolution process is special:

Double Battle Requirement

Unlike most Pokémon that evolve through leveling up or using items, Tatsugiri’s evolution requires a specific battle scenario involving Dondozo.

Evolution Triggered by a Move

Tatsugiri evolves based on Dondozo’s use of the move Order Up, rather than Tatsugiri reaching a certain level or using an item.

  • Move-Based Evolution: This feature adds a strategic element to the evolution process, as it relies on Dondozo’s move choice during the battle.

Strategic Gameplay Element

This evolution mechanism introduces a new strategic layer to Pokémon battles, where trainers must plan and execute a specific set of actions to achieve the desired outcome.

Tips for Evolving Tatsugiri into Dondozo

To ensure a smooth evolution process, follow these expert tips and strategies:

Optimize Tatsugiri and Dondozo’s Stats

  • Level Up Both Pokémon: Ensure Tatsugiri and Dondozo are at high levels to increase their chances of success in the Double Battle.
  • Teach Key Moves: Make sure Dondozo knows Order Up and that Tatsugiri is equipped with moves that complement the battle strategy.

Strategic Battle Setup

  • Choose the Right Opponent: Select a Double Battle scenario where you can control the use of Order Up.
  • Coordinate Moves: Use Tatsugiri and Dondozo’s moves strategically to create an effective battle plan.

Prepare for Potential Challenges

  • Anticipate Opponent’s Moves: Be prepared for various battle scenarios and adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Manage Resources: Ensure you have enough healing items and PP-restoring items for the battle.

Battle Strategies for Tatsugiri and Dondozo

Once Tatsugiri evolves into Dondozo, you can use its new form to your advantage in battles. Here are some effective strategies for using Dondozo:

Leverage Dondozo’s Abilities

  • Storm Drain Synergy: Use Dondozo’s Storm Drain ability to absorb Water-type moves and boost its Special Attack.
  • Commander Ability: Utilize Tatsugiri’s Commander ability to trigger Dondozo’s powerful move sets.

Effective Move Sets

  • Dondozo’s Moves: Consider using moves like Body Slam, Aqua Jet, and Earthquake to exploit Dondozo’s strengths.
  • Tatsugiri’s Moves: Before evolving, use Dragon Pulse, Muddy Water, and Draco Meteor to prepare for the battle.

Combining Tatsugiri and Dondozo

Where to Find Tatsugiri and Dondozo

To evolve Tatsugiri, you need to catch both Tatsugiri and Dondozo. Here’s where you can find them:

Finding Tatsugiri

  • Location: Tatsugiri can be found in the waters of the Paldea region.
  • Habitat: Look for Tatsugiri in lakes, rivers, and coastal areas.

Finding Dondozo

  • Location: Dondozo is also found in the Paldea region’s aquatic environments.
  • Habitat: Search for Dondozo in the same water-rich locations where Tatsugiri is found.

Building a Team Around Tatsugiri and Dondozo

A well-rounded Pokémon team can make the difference between victory and defeat. Here’s how to build a team that complements Tatsugiri and Dondozo:

Team Composition

  • Complementary Pokémon: Include Pokémon that cover the weaknesses of Dragon and Water types.
  • Type Synergy: Add Pokémon with types that balance Dondozo’s weaknesses, such as Electric or Grass types.

Strategic Team Building

  • Support Pokémon: Choose Pokémon that can provide status effects or healing to support Tatsugiri and Dondozo.
  • Offensive Options: Select Pokémon with moves that can counter popular threats in battles.

Future Developments for Tatsugiri and Dondozo in Pokémon Games

As Pokémon games continue to evolve, Tatsugiri and Dondozo may see new developments and features. Here are some potential future updates:

1. New Moves and Abilities

Future updates might introduce new moves or abilities for Tatsugiri and Dondozo.

  • New Strategies: Look out for new moves that could enhance their battle effectiveness.
  • Ability Changes: Watch for updates that might introduce new abilities or alter existing ones.

Expanded Evolution Paths

Future games might explore new evolution paths or forms for Tatsugiri and Dondozo.

  • Alternative Evolutions: New games could introduce alternative evolution methods or additional forms for these Pokémon.

Increased Content and Features

Developers may add new content related to Tatsugiri and Dondozo.

  • Events and Tournaments: Participate in events or tournaments that feature Tatsugiri and Dondozo.


Tatsugiri’s evolution into Dondozo in Pokémon Scarlet is a unique and engaging feature that offers a fresh take on Pokémon evolution. By understanding the requirements and strategies for Tatsugiri’s evolution, you can enhance your Pokémon team and enjoy new battle experiences.

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