Dragon Water Weakness

Dragon Water Weakness

Dragon/Water-type Pokémon are among the most fascinating and powerful creatures in the Pokémon universe. They combine the might of the dragon with the fluidity of water, resulting in a formidable opponent on the battlefield. However, like all Pokémon types, they have their weaknesses. This article explores the intricacies of Dragon/Water-type Pokémon weaknesses, offering strategic insights and effective countermeasures for trainers.

Introduction to Dragon/Water-Type Pokémon

Dragon/Water-type Pokémon are a dual-type category that boasts some of the most iconic and powerful Pokémon, including Kingdra, Palkia, and Dracovish. These Pokémon harness the best of both worlds: the Dragon type’s impressive stats and offensive capabilities and the Water type’s versatility and wide move pool.

Key Attributes of Dragon/Water-Type Pokémon:

  • High Stats: Often, Dragon/Water Pokémon have high base stats in various categories, making them well-rounded in battle.
  • Versatility: The combination of Water and Dragon moves provides diverse offensive options.
  • Resistance: They resist multiple common types, making them difficult to take down.

Despite these strengths, Dragon/Water-type Pokémon have specific weaknesses that savvy trainers can exploit to gain the upper hand.

Weaknesses of Dragon/Water-Type Pokémon

To effectively counter Dragon/Water-type Pokémon, it’s crucial to understand their specific weaknesses. These weaknesses arise from the interplay between their Dragon and Water typing.

  1. Dragon-Type Weaknesses:
  • Ice: Dragon-types are notoriously weak against Ice-type moves. Many trainers carry Ice-type moves specifically to deal with dragons.
  • Fairy: Fairy-type Pokémon and moves are immune to Dragon-type moves and are super effective against Dragon-types.
  • Dragon: Dragon-type moves are also super effective against other Dragon-types, making Dragon-on-Dragon battles a strategic option.
  1. Water-Type Weaknesses:
  • Electric: Water-types are weak to Electric-type moves. Powerful Electric-type Pokémon can exploit this weakness effectively.
  • Grass: Grass-type moves are also super effective against Water-types, making Grass Pokémon a valuable counter.

Combined Weaknesses of Dragon/Water Types: Given the dual nature of Dragon/Water Pokémon, the combined weaknesses that stand out are:

  • Dragon: As Dragon is effective against Dragon, opposing Dragon-type moves are a significant threat.
  • Fairy: Immune to Dragon moves and super effective against Dragon-types.
  • Ice: Super effective against Dragon-types.

Strategic Countermeasures

Now that we understand the weaknesses of Dragon/Water-type Pokémon, let’s explore strategic countermeasures and effective Pokémon choices to exploit these weaknesses.

  1. Utilizing Ice-Type Pokémon and Moves: Ice-type moves are a primary threat to Dragon/Water Pokémon. Consider the following Ice-type Pokémon and moves:
  • Mamoswine: With high attack stats and access to powerful Ice-type moves like Ice Shard and Icicle Crash, Mamoswine is a top choice.
  • Weavile: Fast and powerful, Weavile can use Ice Punch or Icicle Crash to take down Dragon/Water-types swiftly.
  • Ice Beam: A common move found on many Water-type and other Pokémon, Ice Beam is a reliable option to exploit the Ice weakness.
  1. Deploying Fairy-Type Pokémon: Fairy-type Pokémon are highly effective against Dragon-types and are immune to their moves:
  • Sylveon: With moves like Moonblast and access to defensive moves, Sylveon is a sturdy counter.
  • Togekiss: Combining Fairy and Flying types, Togekiss can use Dazzling Gleam or Moonblast to take down Dragon/Water Pokémon.
  • Gardevoir: Known for its high special attack, Gardevoir with Moonblast can be a significant threat.
  1. Leveraging Dragon-Type Moves: Using Dragon-type moves and Pokémon can be a double-edged sword, as both will take super effective damage:
  • Garchomp: With its high speed and attack, Garchomp can use moves like Dragon Claw or Outrage to outpace and defeat opposing Dragon/Water-types.
  • Dragonite: Combining bulk and power, Dragonite with moves like Draco Meteor or Dragon Tail is a formidable opponent.
  1. Employing Electric-Type Pokémon: Electric-type moves are super effective against Water-types, making them crucial for countering Dragon/Water Pokémon:
  • Raikou: Fast and powerful, Raikou can use Thunderbolt or Volt Switch to exploit the Water weakness.
  • Zapdos: With access to Thunderbolt and resistance to Water moves, Zapdos is an excellent choice.
  • Magnezone: Its Electric/Steel typing makes it resistant to many moves, and it can hit hard with Thunderbolt.
  1. Using Grass-Type Moves: Grass-type moves can effectively target the Water weakness:
  • Roserade: With its high special attack and moves like Leaf Storm or Giga Drain, Roserade can be a strong counter.
  • Ferrothorn: Combining high defense and access to Power Whip, Ferrothorn can wear down Dragon/Water Pokémon.

Battle Tactics and Team Composition

Incorporating Pokémon that can exploit Dragon/Water-type weaknesses is essential for a balanced team. Here are some tactical considerations:

  1. Type Coverage: Ensure your team has a diverse set of moves to cover multiple types. Including Pokémon with Ice, Fairy, Electric, and Grass moves ensures you can counter Dragon/Water types effectively.
  2. Speed and Priority Moves: Speed is crucial in battles. Using Pokémon with high speed stats or priority moves can help you strike first and gain the upper hand. Moves like Ice Shard (priority Ice move) or Quick Attack can be decisive.
  3. Defensive Play: Consider Pokémon that can resist or neutralize Dragon/Water moves. For example, Fairy-types are immune to Dragon moves and resist Water moves, making them excellent defensive choices.
  4. Status Moves: Utilizing status moves like Thunder Wave (paralysis), Toxic (poison), or Sleep Powder (sleep) can hinder Dragon/Water Pokémon, reducing their effectiveness and giving you an edge in battle.

Example Battle Scenarios

To illustrate these strategies, let’s consider some example battle scenarios involving Dragon/Water-type Pokémon.

Scenario 1: Facing Kingdra Kingdra is known for its balanced stats and versatility. To counter Kingdra:

  • Lead with Fairy-Type: Start with a Fairy-type Pokémon like Sylveon. Use Moonblast to exploit Kingdra’s Dragon weakness.
  • Switch to Electric-Type: If Kingdra uses Water moves, switch to an Electric-type like Raikou and use Thunderbolt.

Scenario 2: Battling Palkia Palkia is a legendary Dragon/Water-type with high stats:

  • Utilize Ice-Type Moves: Use an Ice-type Pokémon like Weavile. Moves like Ice Punch can significantly damage Palkia.
  • Employ Fairy-Type: If Weavile is low on health, switch to a Fairy-type like Togekiss and use Dazzling Gleam.

Scenario 3: Confronting Dracovish Dracovish is known for its strong physical attacks:

  • Lead with a Defensive Fairy-Type: Use a bulky Fairy-type like Gardevoir. Utilize Moonblast to weaken Dracovish.
  • Follow Up with Grass-Type: If Gardevoir is low on health, switch to a Grass-type like Ferrothorn and use Power Whip.


Dragon/Water-type Pokémon, while powerful and versatile, have specific weaknesses that can be exploited with the right strategy and team composition. By understanding their vulnerabilities to Ice, Fairy, Electric, and Grass moves, trainers can develop effective countermeasures and enhance their battle tactics.

Utilizing a combination of type advantages, speed, defensive play, and status moves ensures you can handle even the toughest Dragon/Water Pokémon. Whether in casual play or competitive battles, being prepared with the right Pokémon and strategies will give you the edge needed to triumph over these formidable opponents.

Explore the world of Dragon/Water Pokémon and use these insights to become a more effective and strategic Pokémon trainer. Embrace the challenge, and may your battles be victorious.

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